Sunday, July 31, 2011

Trying to catch up!

I think I let two weeks go by without posting.  One day, I just let the day sneak by and last week, well, I think I just didn't want to do anything...anyone ever have those days???  I have several in a row it seems, but this weekend I was back.  I got almost all my crafts I wanted done...the cleaning on the other hand...well, it's just not as much fun!  LOL I know, I know. I should clean first, play later, but I can't keep my mind on cleaning if I keep thinking about the projects I want to do.

There are still a few projects I haven't done.  Mainly because I have to order vinyl for them and don't have the extra cash on hand, LOL.  I'm already trying hard not to buy a couple of set of lettering delights files, before they aren't on sale anymore...I just may bite the bullet and buy them anyway...

Okay, so here we go with another set of "hodge-podge" crafts to feast your eyes upon.

First up, the paper origami flower balls that I have had completed since May, but just now put them up.  I found this project here on Michael's website.  I bought my paper and ribbon from Hobby Lobby, but I have no idea what the brand is.  I'm just happy to get them up in Belle's room.  I had plans to put lights inside, but I just couldn't figure out a good way to do it, so here they are...sans jewels in the centers...will add later.

Flower balls above Belle's bed.

View while laying on the bed.
Close up.

I wish I had moved them slightly to the left, but I did it by it can't be perfect.

Next project on the list this weekend was iron on transfers, but with plastic...I saw this idea mentioned on the MTC forum a few weeks ago, but finally got a chance to do it.  I love it and can't wait to do more shirts.

You can find the forum post with the link here.

The back of the orange shirt.
The front.
A close up.

This was my first attempt.  I use a left over Tangled party bag.
I have since washed these two shirts and the top right bubble on the orange shirt has come nearly half way off, but it's still there.  I am going to attempt to iron it back down.  the rest is mostly hanging on.  I figure after a few washes they will come off, but then I can make something else to go on the shirts.  It was very easy to do.  Please refer to the link above for the original posting, but I used LD and MTC for the orange shirt.

Another thing I accomplished this weekend was making my very first puzzle with MTC.  I used the puzzle generator and an image that Belle picked out online.  I still only have a Cricut, but my mom bought me the deep cut blade housing recently and I just had to try it out.  Oh, and yes, that is a DIY sticky-ed cricut cake mat.  Hobby Lobby had the 12x12 and 12x24 cake mats on clearance.  I got a couple sets of 12x12 for about $3 each and a set of12x24 for $5.  I just couldn't pass that up.  Gotta love it when stores clearance things!

I cut at depth 5 and cut the image 3 times.  I have absolutely no idea what my pressure setting is on...I would guess a 3.  I don't touch it anymore...

While cutting...I used duct tape for extra hold.
After cutting before peeling the outer edge off.
Yay, a clean cut!

Just after Belle put it together...I took one piece out for the picture.

I even made a box to go with it!
I thought it was a great fit!
I don't remember where I found a pizza box cut online, but it wasn't hard and I had this one laying around premade.

Whew!  I really hate putting pictures up!  They should make that easier. 

I guess that will be all for today. Maybe I will get another post up sometime this week.  I did a few cakes this month I would like to add.  I hope this crazy random project post was fun for you.  LOL  I really should get organized and do one project a post...I just get too excited and want to throw it all out on the table.

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